BaSiC PREP LEADERSHIP ACADEMY provides virtual one-on-one tutoring in Math, Reading, and Writing. We also offer homework help and summer read more
"... my son (Vorn Taylor) started Basic Prep School in August 2013. I really love this program. It has given my son the opportunity to continue school at his own pace and to keep up with other academic programs. I like that the program offers tutoring to children that may need help in some areas. The program also has a mentor which is really great for little boys and girls. The program also provides field trips which are helpful to their learning. I would refer other parent to this program because I feel it would be beneficial to the child and parent."
Thanks Carla Taylor
Our philosophy is grounded in the belief that the traditional classroom-based model for secondary education is unsuitable for a significant portion of students and has not addressed numerous issues that affect their persistence in secondary education. For students who have traditionally been disenfranchised or their situation and/or circumstances do not meet the criteria for traditional schooling, we offer a composite model allowing the student to individualize their learning experience by navigating through the coursework
Over the past eight years, our staff has helped more than 400 students improve their study habits, comprehension, and test-taking skills. As a result, these students have earned better test scores and grades, and grown in self-esteem and confidence. We love celebrating those victories with our students.
In a recent survey, 89% of the parents who participated would recommend the Learning Center to a friend.
Our team is consist of highly qualified professionals, including Certified Teachers, administrators, and Industry experts, and mentors.
Six primary goals that are the cornerstone to our mission are to:
Decrease the number of individuals who have dropped out of school in the state of Indiana by 4%
Graduate 90% of its students
Prepare its students for careers, college, technical and trade schools, or the workforce
Individualize Service Plans (ISP) for all students
Foster a virtual learning environment in which students can learn anywhere, anytime
Positively impact the community at large through educational and academic programs and services
BaSiC Prep Leadership Academy’s mission is to provide an educational program that enables individuals to complete the requirements for a high school diploma by way of an intensive, individualized, virtual learning experience.
BaSiC Prep Leadership Academy commits to cultivate and improve educational opportunities, career development, and life skills for the betterment of our community.
Six primary goals that are the cornerstone to our mission are to:
Decrease the number of individuals who have dropped out of school in the state of Indiana by 4%
Graduate 90% of its students
Prepare its students for careers, college, technical and trade schools, or the workforce
Individualize Service Plans (ISP) for all students
Foster a virtual learning environment in which students can learn anywhere, anytime
Positively impact the community at large through educational and academic programs and services
BaSiC Prep Leadership Academy uses innovative solutions and relevant technology, mentoring, encouragement, empowerment, and shared experiences
to prepare students for an ever changing society, via career options and opportunities for personal and professional success.
Jessica Leasure
"...Personally I Would have just stayed at home I think, no; I would not have graduated High school on time. I also think if I had stayed in high school I would have never had my son.I would have regreted that. He is the reason I have succeeded in finishing my education from Basic Prep Academy...
I had also tried another time to get my high school diploma. It took up too much of my time and I had no child care related service for my son Day Adult school was a full time commitment that I didn’t really have the time for. Not to mention I didn’t have a means to pay for may obligations and no one to provide support. I was receiving some assistance from my family knowing that it was very tough in taking money from them. Now that I have completed my high school program, it definitely makes things like my goals reachable.. I am grateful and know that this diploma serves me well."