BaSiC PREP LEADERSHIP ACADEMY provides virtual one-on-one tutoring in Math, Reading, and Writing. We also offer homework help and summer read more
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Test Preparation
One of the most important requirements for college admission is the SAT or the ACT. Studies have found that College prep writing strategies and skills for ACT essays and college applications historically raise scores.
Basic Prep Academy provides:
- Virtually accessible preparation.
- ACT, Math Science and Reading assessments that are built in to the test programs.
- Instructors work in conjunction with preparation material, provide ongoing support and feedback.
- Ongoing strategies and intervention in preparing students for both SAT and ACT tests.
Basic Prep Academy:
- Individualizes delivery of Test preparation with several test packages, including teacher one on one instruction and small group instruction.
- Individualizes all services to meet the learners needs.
- Interventions are based on strength and weakness, heavily integrated into Prep course responses and our services.